new Viva show (
#140) in the archives
While I'm regathering the energies to search for "new" music, I made this little trip down memory lane. Every song on the playlist had to meet three criteria:
1) I had to remember hearing it prior to 1983.
2) I had to have at least a vague recollection of listening to it in a particular location, or staring at the album cover, that kind of thing.
3) I had to want to listen to it now (2013).
So, the result is maybe not too far from a mixtape I would've made aged 9 or younger. All except the opening excerpt, which is taken from a British kids' TV show
Davy put me on to, and is meant to serve a similar purpose as the opening lines of Joyce's
Portrait of the Artist.
I recognize that this post and this playlist are self-involved. Does that (the recognition) make it OK?