Doug and the Slugs: Too Bad [1980]
On the eve of the NCAA tournament, Art Decade is collaborating with SI.com's Luke Winn and the Tourney Blog to bring you a track with special basketball significance. Pitt forward Levon Kendall, whose Panthers play Wright State on Thursday night, has myriad musical connections -- he was named after The Band's Levon Helm, and his father, Simon, played keys in the venerable Canadian indie group Doug and the Slugs. We're bringing you Doug and the Slugs' greatest hit, Too Bad, which also served as the theme song for The Norm Show, starring Norm MacDonald. Luke has an interview up with Levon in his blog from Wednesday in Buffalo, available here.
Buy Doug and the Slugs here.
This video for this song was one of the first 'videos' I ever saw - remember 'Popclips' on Nickelodeon?
Awesome. Thanks for the memory!
I never saw the video... Maybe youtube has it. Thanks for the comment!
I had completely forgotten this song. And I never knew who did it. But I remember humming this song for weeks...one of those "can't get it out of your head" moments.
Thanks for the post!
Doug & The Slugs...the ultimate Friday night party band !!
Haven't heard the song for so long...thanks for bringing back great times
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