A.D. presents: the Over The Edge soundtrack (highlights)
Cheap Trick: Hello There [1977]
Cheap Trick: Downed [1977]
Halen: You Really Got Me [1978]
Jimi: Come On (Part 1) [1968]
The Ramones: Teenage Lobotomy [1977]
Valerie Carter: Ooh Child [1977]
Did anyone see that movie Over The Edge [1979]? I remember seeing it on cable at my dad's house in the early 80's, and for whatever reason it made a lasting impression. Please enjoy these selections from the soundtrack, of which the highlight is, for me, Valerie Carter's wicked soft-rock take on "Ooh Child", which memorably closes the film as the kids ride off on a bus to reform school.
In researching this movie I have learned that it was a favorite of Kurt's; indeed one of his 3 favorite movies. When Kurt used to rock those goofy oversized sunglasses it was apparently a subtle tribute to the taciturn, sunglasses-wearing character of "Johnny" from O.T.E.
Furthermore, one can not overstate the influence of Cheap Trick on Nirvana. I remember Kurt citing them as an influence in an interview, and after re-listening to these Cheap Trick tracks I'm seeing the connection more and more, even down to Robin Zander's hair.
To read more about Over The Edge, look no further than ClaudeZachary.ote, clearly the premier O.T.E. website on the Internet. Which other site features painstakingly-rendered scale-models of New Granada in miniature?

I saw this when it came out! I remember how cool Matt Dillon was. A real bad-ass.
Adam, I have no recollection of this movie. Was it on TV? You have a good memory! Dad
You might not have been watching with me, Dad. It was on cable. "The Buddy Holly Story" starring Gary Busey is another one I remember watching at University Place.
P.S. Who's Adam?
This Ooh Child is wonderful. Thanks Emmett. I am goind to add this movie to my NetFlix queue right after Swimming To Cambodia.
All I remember is the Brady Bunch. Who's Adam? Now that's an interesting question....
OMG. Best. Soundtrack. EVER.
Over The Edge has finally come out on DVD. This movie is classic and was Matt Dillon's first movie. Definitely listen to the director commentary on the DVD.
I just saw Freedom Writers the other day and noticed the Ooh Child homage to the great final scene in OTE when the kids are heading off in the final scene with Valerie Carter's soft take classic Ooh Child playing over the top. Does anyone who the recording artisti in Freedom Writers is?
who's adam?
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