The 80s was a disquieting period for me for a number of reasons. First and foremost, i couldn't get behind the way the music industry had become so homogenised and bloated with its own self-importance. Too many good people had died in the 1970s for me want to jump in and flagellate myself into a stupor in the spotlight of an economically driven fit of hysteria.
I hated the self-congratulatory stench of delusion. I hated the graphics. I hated the cheap looking suits and shady haircuts. I hated the flippancy of the music foisted on me in every bar and nightclub. And, above all else, by the end of the decade i wanted to grab Brett Easton Ellis by the scruff of his Armani Wall Street jacket and jam a copy of "American Psycho" right up his smugly winking arse.
It wasn't all bad of course. America had thrown up Dinosaur Jr and, even better, Thin White Rope - led by bona fide paleontologist and criminally underrated Guy Kaiser (i believe he's a university lecturer these days; no issues with that) - and as the 90s grew close here in the U.K. the Stone Roses and Happy Mondays were a waxing moon of defiant antipathy. Nevermind Seattle.
In hindsight, obviously, things take on a generally rosier glow. The tendency is to keep a lid on your misgivings and watch your belly grow exponentially as you slowly sink into the cushioned sofa of middle-age. But wait, fuck it, it was always like this: that's why you blithely stamped your heels together and turned your back on Kansas in the first place.
Bo Diddley. It's still there in your gut, twitching like a tumor.
I'm still on the shore with the tide sucking on my shoes. Still kissing the wind with a watering eye. And, no matter where i choose to rewind the tape, there are always songs that make me want to kick up the sand.
Even stillborn in the 80s.

Make mine a double.
posted by ib
This is rad. The 80s were a great time for watery atmospherics. Three cheers for engineer Callum Malcolm.
Agreed, Emmett. The sound on this Blue Nile album is a shimmering pool of luminescent fish with hooks aplenty to reel them in.
Thank You...Thank You...Thank You...This was a disc I raved to friends about when it was released years back (and have owned it as an ep, a cassette, a CD and now as a cluster of MP3s)...just great music that really takes me back...
Again, Thanks...
David M.
Yo, murgs!
Just like you, everytime i listen to "Tinseltown" i'm back in Glasgow City Centre in 1983, rushing from pub to club with a jacket over my head. Or shivering in a taxi rank at 3.AM in the morning.
Does anybody know what the Blue Nile are up to these days ?
F****** Bravo! I wasn't ready for this week's posts, true. hope to see more from you, ib, in the future.
One time, on a bridge, I realized how inspiring it is to catch a view of the city from a very far distance away. With this post, I realize how cool it is to listen to 80s music like this. Must find more.
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