Thunderclap Newman:
Hollywood Dream
Something In The Air
From the album Hollywood Dream.
Something In The Air written by Speedy Keen, a singing drummer. Hollywood Dream written by J&J McCulloch. Produced by Pete Townshend.
I've been wondering about that descending arpeggio thing in Something In The Air. Who invented that? Was it Dear Prudence, Badge, or all of the above? Also, I'd never really noticed the sort of raggedy piano interlude which commences at 1:57. Weird how it almost arbitrarily splices back into the song. But I guess when a song is this much of a winner you could stick pretty much whatev in the middle and it would still work. Love the suspended chord in this, too.
This is great. Jimmy McCullogh - the lead guitarist - was originally from Kirkintilloch, just outside Glasgow; his brother, Henry (i think, though i could be wrong) went on to play in Paul McCartney's Wings. Jimmy was legendary for his boyish looks. At the ripe old age of 29 most people still mistook him for a teenager. Must be something in the water....
I love "Something in the Air", and still have the 45 which was a massive hit here in the UK. Nice one, Emmett!
have you watched the performace vid for something in the air, which I'm sure is on youtube? They're a very strange looking bunch - the pianist (newman?) seems to be a lot older than the other two, and you get the impression he insisted on a bit of piano boogiewaffle half way through. I'm not so sure he added anything...
Thanks for the contextualization, ib and atall. Definitely a unique band, these guys. Did anyone listen to the instrumental Hollywood Dream? It's a nice divertissement.
this blog needs more thunderclap newman
Jimmy McCullough himself was actually in Wings, too. Henry left before "Band On The Run", and Jimmy's run began after it. (I don't know if he and Henry are related - okay, Wiki says probably not - Jimmy was Scottish and Henry's fron Northern Ireland.) The cool guitar solo in "Junior's Farm" is pure Jimmy.
You fucking cunt
No, some mix-up of names here: Jimmy's surname was McCulloch and Henry's was McCullough. So they were not related, only coincidentally Jimmy followed Henry as lead guitar player in Wings. Jimmy did have a music-making elder brother: Jack, who went on to play drums for Thunderclap Newman, but that band lasted only a very short time (just over a year). Jimmy died "at the ripe old age of 29".
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