Friday, May 16, 2008

Makonde: Soseme Makonde b/w Manzara

Both tracks written by Taso Stefanou. Ripped from this, on blue vinyl no less!


Anonymous said...

Great! And sounds suspiciously like David Byrne singing on the b-side!

Anonymous said...

Well, David B. has always been a man with his finger on the pulse but it would be remarkable even for him to have bluffed his way into EMI Pathe-Marconi studios in France for this session in '77. Wouldn't put it past him though...

Anonymous said...

Neither would I... but at this early stage in their career I am well aware the Talking Heads were geographically ensconsed in an NYC studio. Wouldn't have put it past him either, however, to incorporate a borrowed vocal idiosyncrasy or two into his own delivery...

alessio said...

the b-side is soooo cool!
a must be in my very next djset!!