Space is open to us now...
Jetty Webb: Mir
Back in '98, a friend gave me a box of 45s from Memphis label Loverly Records. While the band has since vanished and the label sank somewhere in the Mississippi, I think the song still lives. For the first 3 who agree and would like to own this piece of blue vinyl for free email your pen name and address to Art Decade. Since I'm floating the postage do not expect them delivered between 5-10 working days. Will try and send word when to expect them though...
For anyone interested there are 2 singles left.
a lovely slice of indie Balearica
Well. Not wishing to miss out on a blagging opportunity in the face of such generosity, I have e-mailed in my address...
Shameless. But it is quite a beautiful tune, and on a defunct Memphis label too ? How could I resist!
one left...any takers?
OK. All the remaining singles are spoken for. Shipping to Iowa, Scotland and Belgium. Cheers!
Thanks guys! It's a great song, looking very much forward to find it in the mail.
901st post! :)
sweet. 99 more songs until early retirement?
be entertained
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