Magnet - Willow's Song
It's kind of amazing that Paul Giovanni actually wrote this; it sounds more like something that would have sprung from the Anglo-Saxon collective unconscious in the 8th century A.D.
Special thanks to Big B for turning me on to The Wicker Man at a legendary viewing party, all those years ago...
Next post the may pole song!
Um... That picture is hot!
"Oh, what is all this? I mean, you've got fake biology, fake religion... Sir, have these children never heard of Jesus?" WICKER MAN, what a great flick.
That viewing party...uh, thought I had black that out!
One of my greatest movie discover of these last years... Amazing movie, amazing song, this sequence is one on my favorite of all time... simply magic and erotic...
Emmett you rules... and it's great to see you back for real on artdecade...
Vic le viking... from Paris
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