Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our new Viva show airs today at 2 PM, featuring some songs that I'll be posting here next week.

also: doin' the twitter thing


Big B said...

fab picture! glad to see AD now 'tweets'.

Anonymous said...

's that you on the pcture, Emmet?

ano 2

emmett said...

Ha ha, no that's not me, although I do wish I had that car...

See here for an actual picture me when I was around 12 years old.

Anonymous said...

Barely 12 and already djaying... The early bird gets the worm!

But I like the car too. Had a similiar one - I think it was a 72 Malibu Station Wagon, sunfloweryellow - when I once (in '94) lived for three months in the States, i. e. in San Francisco.

A friend of mine took it down to Death Valley, although I had warned him not to do so since its machine already seemed to be a little weak.

And so it happend that the only American Automobile I ever had broke down and r.i.p. near Death Valley and is problably still rottening in the blisering sun on the junk yard near Armagosa Valley, Nevada. Sob...

ano 2