Lucio Battisti - Anima Latina
It was just about a year ago that I first heard this, lying on a beach in Sitges and letting my IPOD play on shuffle. Now that was an Alpha Moment.
P.S.: New megamix coming soon!
specializing in music of the "long seventies"
Boss Track, indeed,
btw: Sitges isn't bad, but Cadaques is better. just the other direction from Barca. If u r ever back in good ole Catalunia, give it a try.
el viejo anonzymus no. 2
Thank for the comment, Ano. As it happens, we were in Cadaques the week before!
Great minds think alike.
nice to read that.
I was there in June this year again.
In the late seventies, early 8tis my gang and I used to spend a big part of the summers down there, camping under the sky in a bay nearby and drinking Lumumbas in the Maritim during the days and in the L'Hostal Bar during the nights. A perfect pastime!
After the Roxy Music Gig in Barca on the Sonar Festival in June we rent a Car and had a reunion. Still great down there!
Hasta la victoria siempre!
ano numero dos
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