Al Hazan - Just Another Broken Heart
Get ready to hit play again and again on this one from Al Hazan. Some things to know about the man, from his website: "In addition to his music career, Al has been a licensed real estate broker since 1954, worked as a professional photographer, is a proud veteran of the U.S. Army, and now specializes in treating crime victims as a Doctor of Psychology." And, relevantly: "Dr Hazan earned his PhD in Psychology in 1987 after writing his dissertation on the Seven Developmental Stages of a Romantic Love Relationship."
And yes, that is Terry Melcher you hear.
This rules.
listened to it about 5 times.
where can you read his dissertation online?
massive. nice to see you hanging out sheridan. been too long.
Catchy indeed!
ano 2
This song is insane. How is the 'Al Hazan is B. Bumble' compilation, if you've heard it? I'm considering the purchase, though I'm doubting whether the rest of his output could match this level of insanity...
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