The other day a musical couplet popped into my head -- "Henry and James / Remember their names" -- and I thought oh, that's an old '80s song, but who's it by? So I Googled to find this. I think I must have heard it once on the radio in the '80s. I'm certain I haven't heard it since. And the moral of the story is: if I "remembered their names" for 25+ years, it must be a good song.
Good for a November Sunday where it's getting dark at 2 PM. There's more good songs on the album, too; I may post them soon.
Some proto-Max Tundra thing happening, right? This ones great.
Thanks, Clark! Never heard of Max Tundra (or have I?) but I'll check 'em out.
Note that this track came out about 12 months before Pet Shop Boys' Opportunity, which nicks its first few bars. Anyhow, I like Stewart and Gaskell's album Up From The Dark lot: I made a Bringing Up Baby-themed youtube vid for their excellent cover of I'm In A Different World (to which H&J was a B-side).
this is the sort of hilariously un-classifiable brilliance I come to Art decade for, songs that would never be cool but are simply incredible, like this slice of sophisti-prog? must have listened to it 20 times already. and as someone commented tundra does sound a bit like this, also reminds me a bit of the classic scritti-politti stuff, but weirder
Hey all, thanks very much for the comments. Plague: nice video. I just checked the Pet Shop Boys and I can't hear the resemblance, but I totally hear it on the Kraftwerk/Deux similarity you mentioned.
Luke: sophisti-prog's a good tag; let's go with that. BTW there's some Scritti Politti coming up on the next Viva playlist (airs on Friday).
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