France Gall - Les Petits Ballons
A thousand thanks to Davy across the pond for helping me to acquire this precious mp3. Written by J.C. Vannier and Serge Gainsbourg. Direction d'orchestre: Jean-Claude Vannier. This one's for fans of chord changes (you know who you are).
Nice blog with awesome picture.Good work and thanks for sharing.
I'm currently working on a mix of French gear. That Bridget Fontaine track Big B posted in '09 is on there. Got the re-issue LP of this the other day: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xCykdpQhXe8/SstoShEZ8TI/AAAAAAAAEnI/l7l_tXCY8RE/s400/jean+c+vannier.jpg
What. A. Sleeve.
this is class
Hey Abi, the French mix sounds great. Send a link to it at some point if you can. Indeed, that's a beautiful sleeve. BTW I just found out there's a new Vannier reissue coming out, a compilation of his odds 'n' sodds. Will be a must-purchase for me.
Anto: good to hear from you again, old boy. Glad you dug this slice of druggy post-ye ye.
This track is (new to me and) unbelievably great. Thanks. I have a horrible feeling that it'll now go on to great fame, end up used in a Wes Anderson film or in iphone 5 ad or... Oh well. Anyhow, thanks again (my nieces are going to love this song too!).
Hey Plague, I'm so glad to hear you dug this! Fear not, I'm pretty sure the guitar riff is too Black Sabbathesque to ever feature in a Wes Anderson flick or an iPhone ad. But I do see what you mean... Hope your nieces enjoy it. I'm assuming the lyrics are child-friendly? I can't understand a word...
@Emmett. Whoops, I just checked and there's some pretty funky stuff going on with the lyrics, including - might have guessed with Gainsbourg! - the punchline that the petits ballons are breasts. So, not for the 5 and 7 year old (vaguely francophile) nieces after all.
Plague -- I suspected as much. Serge will be Serge...
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