Harpers Bizarre: Poly High [1969]
taken from the Warner Bros. compilation Days Of Wine And Vinyl [1972]
BLINDFOLD TEST: Someone who doesn't already know, tell me who wrote this song (without looking it up on the Internet).
Once you know, it's pretty obvious. See if you can guess.
Your reward will be eternal glory.
Also, can anyone identify the TV excerpt at the beginning? I have no idea what it is, and it's not explained in the liner notes.
own it!
Now what would be "The Point" of giving the answer away ... har dee har har, etc. Speaking of whom, when's that kick-ass lookin' documentary gonna finally drop?
Thx for this track, btw - didn't know it existed.
Point taken, Walkathon (ha ha). Now, any guesses, anyone?
guess here:
harry nilsson? if not, sure sounds like it could be.
You are correct, sir! Well played. Harry wrote and produced it. It almost sounds like he's singing on it as well, doesn't it?
the vocal melody definitely led me to the guess.
do i win an artdecade t-shirt?
should there be a competition to produce a logo for the site? any takers? feel free to email em in.
I thought perhaps I was the only one who ever bought a copy of "Days of Wine and Vinyl." Other key tracks: Norman Greenbaum's "The Day the Well Went Dry" and Steeleye Span's lovely/odd "Spotted Cow." Which is now the name of an especially good Wisconsin beer.
I'm slow today. I just got the previous hint of "The Point." Oomph.
JB - welcome to the Days Of Wine And Vinyl fan club! I'm not even sure I've heard the whole thing yet. I'll definitely check out the tracks you mentioned. Norman Greenbaum! I almost forgot he was on there.
"Future Song" by Dick Heckstall-Smith, "My Father Was a Lighthouse Keeper" by Incredible String Band, "Too Much Time" By Cap'n Beefheart, and more well known "Virginia Plain" by Roxy Music, and "Living in the Past" By Jethro Tull were my favorite tracks on "Wine and Vinyl"
FYI, a fantastic Nilsson primer right now over at the formidable jefitoblog.
still waiting for an ID on that TV excerpt...
On other WB sampler albums from the era ("All Singing All Dancing ... " et al) they'd also slip in movie quotes between the tracks, and then note them in the track listing / gatefold. Sorry to presume, but if you've still got the original vinyl, have you checked it for any clues?
Walkathon - I scoured the album last night, checking front and back covers, gatefold information booklet, disc labels, and run-out grooves for clues about this TV clip, and found nothing. The mystery abides...
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