Okay. The posts here lately on Art Decade have gotten mysteriously long-winded and verbose, stretching out from the ether like tendrils assailing and very possibly criminally assaulting. Where is Emmett ? Where is Mike ? Big B and Sheridan Dupre IX ?
Come to mention it, Sheridan Dupre III ?
I don't know for sure, can be the only answer - save for the fact that over the last week or so i was fortunate enough to land my ass the opportunity to launch a few silos or RPGs of questionable provenance in your direction. You are, my friends, a captive audience - and for that i am unequivocally grateful. Most of you are undoubtably homegrown Americans ; some of you, like myself, are no doubt of a subtley different persuasion.
So fucking what. That is the beauty of the world-wide-web.
Unlike the WWF nothing is fixed. Nothing is tortuously obvious. And for that, dear acquaintances, i am assuredly over the moon.
Thanks to Art Decade for giving me the time and the place, and to Emmett, especially, for giving me the props. See ya around and hope you enjoyed it in part.
Recorded: Record Plant Studios, L.A. 1975 (Polydor/MCA)
and 1979 (RCA Records PB5160), respectively.
posted by ib
Both the Third and the Ninth have been enjoying these posts, though none more than Keith Moon's _Don't Worry Baby_. The very beginning sounds a bit like Springsteen to me, up until the strings that is. Good stuff.
Thanks for giving us one of the better weeks we've had this year.
Glad both your incarnations have found something of interest over the last several days. The intro to Moon's Beach Boys kickabout does sound VERY like Springsteen, indeed...
Cheers, man! Hope the posts were a welcome diversion - thanks for taking some time out to give them a thumbs-up.
I meant to save my previous comment for this one. Like I said tho, Bravo. Keep it rolling AD!
"Someone must have spewed me up..." "My Place", both figuratively and literally had and continue to have a place in my staggering life. Fabuloso vomitor.
Glad you dug it, mr. beer n. hockey. The decision to include this one was very impulsive - i've always had a strange soft spot for this particular 45, although my interest in TV Smith's Adverts has waned considerably over the years...
Cheers IB.
A round of applause for your musical musings.
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