Bad Cash Quartet - Amuse You
...and so we draw a close to Year Four of the Decade. As Year Five begins, my new direction is clear: mostly Swedish stuff from the late '90s that sounds kind of like Blink-182.
I hope everyone's cool with that.
specializing in music of the "long seventies"
The high school prom I never attended.
Looks like alot of fun !
Ooh, like Blink oneeightytwo?
ano 2
Was this pictured used last year or am I having some flashback to another place and time?
wv: kingshe
I'm pretty sure i used this image for something, but can't remember (unsurprisingly). Anyway, happy 4 years fellas! To the Memphis Redbirds!
So. I just got my connection back in time to give you all a high five on the four...
Many happy returns. Keep the RPMs spinning.
any Blink anytime, anywhere-- best thing my younger daughter ever introduced me to...
Sombrero's, anyone?
I love this song! A lot of the other stuff these people have done is regrettably crap.
I'm a little sad to have to say it, but I grow up with this. And it was the soundtrack on every party.
I thougt that I could share some more of this tunes that all people from gothenburg in some weird way can sing along to.
Enjoy :)
Hey Anders, a huge belated thank you for the comment and the links! Good stuff.
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