The Stepkids - Shadows On Behalf
If this were a lost electro-psych-soul obscurity from '73, it would be one of the greatest crate-digs of all time. Instead, it's a genius single devised by three lads from Connecticut who style themselves The Stepkids. High-quality mp3 and vinyl available from Stones Throw records. Catch the 'Kids live at Fort Green Park in Brooklyn on July 12th.
Not bad. Not bad at all I thought, this less than ten seconds in.
Actually. Pretty exciting, agreed.
Connecticut, you say ?
Very f@ckin' New York City, I feel. To these ears. No hyperbole evident in your verdict; the applause is entirely warranted.
"Sad Dreamer", maybe, but better.
Very cool.
IB! Great to hear from you, and good to see you back on Siblingshot after a little breather. I trust that Milo and the rest of the fam are doing well. I just youtube'd Sad Dreamer... I hear what you mean. If we're going to pinpoint this to a geographical locus I'd say South-Central L.A... maybe I'm just thinking of the scene in Jackie Brown where Pam Grier plays Robert Forster a Delphonics record?
Thanks, dude.
Milo is doing well. The older boy; those 'stepkids' too. I am feeling my age, admittedly. A little more grey at the temples, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
How is Noah ? In at the fingerpaints, yet ? I have sworn I am going to keep the krayolas under lock and key, but in truth I am kidding myself.
L.A. - Jackie Brown, specifically - is a good call, that Delfonics scene being key. Given the rampant relocation coast to coast, geographically I get all too lost. Anyway. What a great piece of cinema. Robert De Niro outplaying the sociopath with depressing clinical precision.
Car parks never seemed so sinister, fully lit in the afternoon sun.
What a find. Rest assured, I will be keeping one ear open for The Stepkids. I might even spring for the entire script at a Stones Throw.
Hey IB, thanks the comment. Noah is doing very well, thank you... and yes, L.A. is pretty sinister in the daylight, especially the industrialized muggy center. A good backdrop for psychedelic soul.
this is interesting. and very good. brings to mind a chat me and some buds had on bands copying sounds so well that they kind of go past the thing they're ape-ing. el michels/budos etc. the question arises also is most pyshc-soul merely thinly recorded? we white boys have to admit its not a monicker many of the dues who played that style would use, it, the funkadelics being the obvious exception.
can't find me car paperwork and leave for France soon. god damn it.
Hey Anto, thx for the comment, and have a grand time in France! Regardless of the words used, when Norman Whitfield made (for example) Papa Was A Rolling Stone, he knew damn well it was psychedelic... (to say nothing of Psychedelic Shack! :)
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