Event details here.
I'll be DJing the afterparty. The subject matter isn't quite as lighthearted as last time, so I'm not sure what to play. I'm thinking possibly 80s, possibly Klaus Schulze-related, possibly German, possibly scary/funny. Probably this one will make an appearance. Anyone got any other ideas?
Should be a great mix of people at the event considering what sort of person would seek this film out. Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
your petty anonymous no. 2 likes to interpose that 'Angst' isn't a German but an Austrian movie.
The flick is so darkly negative and utterly unromantic - it simply has to be Austrian!
since the soundtrack is by Klaus Schultze I strongly suggest an instrumental set with analogue syntheziser tracks by tangerine dream or
Schwerkraft - Schaltkreis Wassermann
'Go - 'Surfspin' from the first Go Album
or Klaus Schulze - Transcefer
spooky stuff indeed!
ano 2
omg, the car license on the white benz is an
old one (before 2000) from lower austria. friendly called the 'Neanderthals'. Never mind, aber da muß man es ja mit der Angst bekommen :-)
a few suggestions:
Amon Düül II - 'Surrounded by stars'
18 Karat Gold (the Glamrock Outfit for Lothar Meid for Amon Düül) - 'Going home'. The intro/outro is a great Mick Ronson rip off, the verse sounds more like Schlager which amounts to a charming result.
apropos 'Fred vom Jupiter'. the real hipster goes for the icecold psykedelik flipside of the single 'Auch die Heimat ist nicht mehr schön' and the silly lyrics of 'Ich will Lokomotivführer werden'. would be a good contrast after the unsettling movie.
ano 2
Thanks, Ano! Great suggestions. I'd never seen footage of The Duul before, very cool. Also gonna post some more Die Doraus soon, I think.
Pappalapub... thx for the comment!!!
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