The 39 Clocks - DNS
Thanks ever so much to the redoubtable Anonymous 2 for hipping me to this one in this classic thread. It took just 27 months for me to realize I had to post it. As with this one (recommended in the same thread), the band re-recorded this song for the subsequent LP, but I like the original better, in part for the frighteningly blasé vocal delivery.
One wonders if any band member had a clear plan for the bit at 2:22 and ff. Or maybe the plan was no plan.
And by the way I'll be DJing at this on Thursday November 6th and quite probably playing this jammer!
wow! the original cover backside of the 7'', I s'pose? the holy grail record for a real clockhead!
If anybody's reading this comment who wants to get rid off his copy, please feel free to make me an offer. I'd like to have it
v e r y m u c h!
Emmett, I recently stumbled upon that video
a - btw, ice cool - track of the clocks, app. taken from this compilation:
for those who'd erroneously thought they knew it all.
ano 2
Awesome, Ano, just getting around to listening to this now. Also found a rare Clocks jam on youtube called "Aspettando Godot" that I'm keen on.
that's a track in Esperanto
ano 2
... and it translates "waiting for Godot", I s'pose....
ano 2
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